Bath Pain Clinic at the RUH
The two-storey extension within the courtyard makes use of an otherwise under-utilised area, closing off the poor westerly aspect to the back of the garage court whilst allowing a good level of daylight into the remaining space. It provides the main entrance to the new centre, reception, waiting area and administration office that discretely controls access to the lifts and stairs, and the range of therapy areas beyond.
Extensive planting in the courtyard provides a tranquil transition for all visitors to the new centre, as well as privacy to the surrounding rooms and therapy or leisure opportunities at different times of the day for residents on the 2-4 week short-stay courses. The single-storey extensions to the south of the original building provide a range of new group therapy rooms and communal living/dining spaces, that will enjoy the new secluded terraces and gardens. The gardens also provide therapeutic facilities for the patients with ramps, steps and changes of ground texture for mobility challenges.