Conygre House Conversion
It is understood that the farmhouse and outbuildings at Conygre Farm were built in open countryside on the outskirts of Filton in the mid-to-late 1800’s. By 1949 most of the farm had been redeveloped for housing to support a range of new industries in and around Filton, leaving just the farmhouse and attached outbuildings that were later converted into office accommodation. As a landmark building in the neighbourhood Conygre House was subsequently added to the ‘Locally Listed’ register in order to protect its historic significance.
The brief to G2 architects was to explore options for returning Conygre House to residential use. A highly efficient layout was developed within the shell of the existing building that retained the original complex floor levels, staircase arrangement and window openings to maintain the essential character of the building. Planning consent was secured to provide a range of 1-bedroom and 2-bedroom self-contained flats.