Eco-Lifetime Homes, Wiltshire
Shaftesbury Housing Association on behalf of the Wiltshire Strategic Bid authorities.
The project for the provision of 21 affordable homes on five rural sites was secured via an invited regional ‘design + build’ competition.
The house designs satisfy the requirements of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, providing a very high standard of thermal insulation and passive energy gains, and allowing for adaptation throughout the occupants’ lifetime, such as the provision of through-floor lifts for full wheelchair access, and conversion of loftspaces.
St John’s Almshouse, Combe Park Bath
G2 architects worked with the Trustees to develop the brief for a new development, building upon the traditions of StJohn’s Hospital, whilst anticipating the needs of future generations.
The first phase Almshouse includes 54 flats, staff and communal facilities and a variety of courtyards, roof terraces and perimeter gardens that exploit the natural benefits of the site and provide views out across the fringes of the city.
A Nursing Home included in the original masterplan, provides an opportunity to extend the range of services and/or provide further accommodation in the future.
Fitzwilliam College Graduate Hostels
The first of three graduate hostels that were commissioned by Fitzwilliam College as part of a strategy to fully utilise its landholdings in close proximity to the college grounds.
The winning entry in an invited competition this project provided new accommodation in the grounds of an historic house at 138 Huntingdon Road, designed by the renowned arts-and-crafts architect Baillie Scott.
Sheppard Trust, London
The Sheppard Trust was established in 1855, it’s remit to provide ‘sheltered’ accommodation in rented houses.
During the 1930’s - 1950’s the Trust acquired two groups of houses at Lansdowne Walk in west London, updating them over time from bedsitting rooms to provide 29 one-bedroom flats, communal facilities and offices.
G2 architects was appointed to develop a best practice brief for Extra Care housing and investigate the impact this would have on the existing properties.
This lead to to further studies of alternative sites, exploring the potential of medium and high rise building forms.
Berkley House
A refurbishment project for private clients, for whom we had previously designed a more modest house extension.
The new property was in an ideal location, but did not quite provide the accommodation to meet the needs of a growing family and was in need of some essential repairs and upgrading.
Cart Barn, Warwickshire
An 18th century Tythe Barn (house) and Old Cart Barn (garages), formerly part of a Manor House estate, had been converted into residential accommodation in the mid-1990’s. G2 architects was commissioned to refurbish and convert part of the cart barn into a studio /games room and a loft space home office, whilst retaining two bays as an open carport.
During the design stage a bat colony was found to be roosting in the roof space. The project brief expanded to provide an enclosed bat loft, which subsequently formed part of the Listed Building submission and successful consent.
Woolley’s Farm, Backwell
Woolley’s Farm lies in relatively flat and open countryside within the Green Belt.
The C17 Farmhouse, which had been occupied for many years as a family dwelling, with a barn and smallholding, was listed Grade II in 1989.
The brief for this project was to design a new garden room that would link the farmhouse to the barn, that had previously been granted planning and listed building consent for conversion into a ‘granny annex’.