Lansdowne Walk - Redevelopment Feasibility Study

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The study considered options for one-bedroom and two-bedroom apartments within the shells of the existing buildings. Whilst most of the main structural elements and existing fenestration could be retained a significant proportion of the internal fabric would need to be removed for new staircases and lifts to be installed.

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A Conservation Area impact assessment was prepared as part of the study to demonstrate how the sensitive integration of wheelchair ramps and step-lifts on the street frontage could be achieved, along with the restoration of key architectural features

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The study concluded that the historic character of the properties could be retained despite significant alterations to the fabric.
However, the number of new flats achieved would not be sufficient to support the range of facilities considered desirable for an Extra Care scheme in a cost -effective manner.

Fulham - Feasibility Study

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A study of two conjoined sites as part of a larger regeneration area of underused wharves and light industrial sites suitable for high quality residential and mixed-use development.

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The two sites provided an excellent opportunity to develop a 4/5 -storey Almshouse/Extra Care scheme of 71 -75 flats with additional facilities such as a central activities/dining room and kitchen and other community spaces.

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Due to the uncertainty over the timing of some of the other regeneration projects in the area and the possibility of developing first and being surrounded by building sites for a prolonged period this site was put on hold.

Acton - Feasibility Study

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A feasibility study exploring the possibility of creating an Extra Care scheme to fit within the general constraints of a developer’s advanced proposals for a high density 8-storey building that had been prepared up to planning application stage.

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The study demonstrated that 53-55 flats and associated Extra Care facilities could fit within the footprint and general massing of the developer’s proposals, including communal garden rooms and roof terraces at fourth floor level for residents at the upper levels.

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However the fragmented building forms would cause significant shading of the external spaces. Furthermore, with only two flats per floor at the upper levels of each block there was concern about the potential risks of physical and social isolation. Site not pursued.